Can Dogs Eat Pears?
If you are a fruit lover like me then you must have a question like this in your mind.
And thankfully I have the answer to this question
But before that, you need to know everything about pears and dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Pears?
Absolutely yes!
Pears are packed with vitamins A and C, potassium, and dietary fiber. But you should always feed pears to your dog in moderation because of the high sugar content that can pose a threat to your dog’s health.

You should always be cautious when introducing human food to your pup’s diet. If you are feeding pears to your dog for the first time, cut up a few bite-sized pieces and then mix them in regular dog food.
Before introducing new human food to your dog, make sure your vet knows and they will tell you if the food will be good for the health of your dog.
Are Pears Safe For Dogs To Eat?
Yes, your dogs can have flesh of pears as they are perfectly safe for your pup. In order to make it chewable, make sure to peel the pears and slice them into bite-sized pieces so it does not become a choking hazard.
Pear cores are difficult to digest for dogs and pear seeds contain traces of cyanide that can be toxic for your four-legged furry friends. So, make sure to remove both things before feeding them to your dog.
Can I Feed Canned Pears To My Dogs?
You should avoid feeding canned pears to your dogs as they tend to be high in sugar. Too much sugar can lead to canine obesity and weight gain. It can also cause tummy troubles so it’s better to avoid feeding your dog with canned pears.
Health Benefits Of Pears For Dogs
Being a dog parent, you should always know the health benefits of the food you are providing to your pup. Let’s see the nutritional value of pears for dogs.

- Prevents cancer: Pears contain fiber that helps to prevent cancer specifically colon, stomach, and lung cancer.
- Protects eyesight: The vitamins present in pears help to protect eyesight.
- Maintains sugar level: Pears have a low glycemic index that helps to maintain sugar levels in dogs.
- Provides hydration: If your dog is dehydrated, feeding pears is the best option as it has more water in them. It will also help to avoid heatstroke in dogs.
- Healthy treat: Pears can serve as a healthy treat for your dog as it is low in calories and rich in nutrients. It can satisfy your dog’s hunger without affecting its weight.
How To Feed Pears To Dogs?
Now, as we know that we can feed pears to dogs, a few things need to be taken into a consideration in how to offer them.
- First of all, make sure to wash and peel the pears properly in order to remove any dirt and chemical preservatives that may be present on the skin.
- Then remove the seeds as they contain cyanide that is harmful to dogs.
- Now, remove the core and cut them into bite-sized pieces so it doesn’t create a choking hazard or digestion difficulty for your dog.
- The high content of sugar and fiber can cause diarrhea and can upset dogs’ stomachs, so make sure to feed them occasionally as a sweet treat.
Can Dogs Eat Pears: Risks of Feeding Pears To Dogs
When looking for nutritional value, you should also know the risks of feeding the particular food to your canine friend. Here, I have mentioned a few risks that you should know before serving your dog with pears.
- High sugar content: Pears have high sugar content which can lead to diarrhea or an upset stomach if you overfeed your pup with pears. If your dog is also suffering from diabetes, then it is also not a suitable treat.
- Must be peeled: You should always peel pears before feeding them to your dog as unpeeled pears can upset the stomach.
- Seeds are toxic: Pear seeds are toxic as they contain cyanide which is harmful to your dog so try not to give your dog the whole pear or pear seeds.
Nutritional Content Per 100g Portion
Nutritional content per 100g portion is:

In addition to the above pears are also rich sources of vitamins including riboflavin, folate, niacin, thiamine, pyridoxine, and beta-carotene. Moreover, it also contains minerals such as iron, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
Related: Can Dogs Eat Apples? Are Apples Safe for Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Pears: Recipe Guide
We have got you some easy pear recipes that you can make for your canine friend.
Pear and Molasses Dog Treat

- 2 cups of chopped pears;
- 1 tbsp of baking powder;
- 3 tbsp of molasses;
- 1/4 cup of water;
- 2 cups of wheat flour.
- Chop pears in small batches with a hand blender.
- Now mix all the ingredients together until they are sticky.
- Knead the dough on the lightly floured surface.
- By using the cookie cutter cut the dough into cookie shapes.
- Place them on the cookie sheet and make sure they don’t touch each other.
- Now bake the biscuits for 30 minutes until they turn golden brown.
- Cool the biscuits completely before serving them to your dog.
Delicious Pear Cookies

- 2 pears;
- 1 egg;
- 1/2 tbsp of cinnamon;
- 2 cups of gluten-free flour;
- 1 tbsp of baking powder;
- 1/4 cup of water.
- In a blender place chopped pears and blend for one minute until it forms the puree shape.
- Take a large bowl and mix all the ingredients together until the dough is formed.
- With the cookie cutter cut the cookies and place them on the cookie sheet.
- Now put the baking tray in the oven for 30 minutes.
- Cool the biscuits completely before serving them to your dog.
Fun Facts About Pears
- Pears are easy to grow in a cool and temperate climate.
- It has various health benefits as it contains high levels of vitamins and antioxidants.
- China is the largest producer of pears followed by Europe.
- Pear became the official fruit of Oregon in 2005.
- The wood can be used to create instruments, furniture, and other items.
Wrapping Up!
Pears are packed with vitamins A and C, potassium, and dietary fiber. But you should always feed pears to your dog in moderation because of the high sugar content it can also pose a threat to your dog’s health.
Pear cores are also difficult to digest for dogs and pear seeds contain traces of cyanide that can be toxic for your four-legged furry friends. So, make sure to remove both things before feeding them to your dog.
Can dogs eat pears?
Yes, dogs can eat pears in moderation.
Why are pears good for dogs?
Pears are packed with vitamins A and C, potassium, and dietary fiber. That’s why it’s good to feed pears to your dog once in a while.
Do pears give dogs gas?
The high fiber content present in pears can lead to diarrhea and gas.
We hope you like the article ‘Can Dogs Eat Pears’. You can also check out our other articles to see which type of food you can feed your pup.
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