As every other dog parent, you want to give your dog some of the fruit or vegetables you are having. That’s normal. We love to share our food with people we love and pets we love.
Some of the fruits and veggies are completely safe for dogs while others aren’t. It’s important to know which are good, so you shouldn’t be wondering.
In today’s guide you will get answers to your questions: Can dogs eat papaya? Is papaya safe for dogs? Are there any risks? and many more.
What Is Papaya?
Papayas are also known as papaws or pawpaws. Papaya fruit was known as an exotic fruit that can’t be found easily but already it’s already available throughout the whole year. Papayas are yellowish-orange in color and round and plump in shape.
Papayas are soft and sweet, they can be eaten directly as a snack or can be used in many recipes. The seeds of papaya are edible and have a spice flavor.
Did you know that papayas are an excellent source of vitamin C as a human can get the needed daily intake of this vitamin by eating one small papaya.
Can Dogs Eat Papaya?
Yes, dogs can eat papaya in moderation.
Papaya like every other fruit contains natural sugar but in smaller amounts than them. That is one of the reasons why papaya is a good treat for dogs.
Papaya is a fruit that is rich in fiber and it’s great for a dog’s digestive system. Sometimes vets recommend papaya as a home remedy for constipation.
Dogs should eat only the flesh of the papaya. Papaya seeds can be toxic to dogs as they contain cyanide. Seeds easily can cause intestinal damage because of their small size. Papaya skin is also not good for dogs as it is not easily digestible and can cause an upset stomach.
Health Benefits of Papaya For Dogs
There are many health benefits that both humans and dogs can gain by eating papayas but we are focusing on dogs only, so let’s see the benefits for them:

- Papayas are rich in fiber – fiber helps for healthy digestion as it prevents constipation or diarrhea but also aids in healthy bowel movements.
- Source of papain – Papain is an enzyme that breaks down proteins and helps the digestive system.
- Lowers blood pressure – Potassium that is present in papaya helps regulate blood pressure.
- Reduces the risk of heart disease – Lycopene, an antioxidant that can be found very rarely, is present in papaya and it’s very helpful for the proper function of the heart and brain.
- Rich in vitamins and minerals – Papaya is rich in calcium, potassium, folate, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, etc.
Risks of Feeding Your Dog Papaya
- Toxicity: If your dog eats the seeds of this fruit, it can get poisoned as papaya contains cyanide, a toxin, that shouldn’t be consumed by dogs.
- Digestive problems: If dogs eat papaya in excessive amounts that will lead to digestive problems like diarrhea, upset stomach, bloating, gas, and vomiting.
- Be careful with sugar levels and calories: If your dog has diabetes then it should avoid papaya as it is a natural source of sugars which of course are much better than refined ones but you still should be careful.
How to Feed Dogs With Papaya?
Always feed your dog with fresh and ripe papaya.
If you are giving papaya for the first time then you should start with a very little amount and monitor for any signs in the next few hours. But before feeding your dog any new human food you should always consult with your vet.

So, before feeding your dog, you should do a few things.
- Wash the papaya well – that way you will reduce the number of pesticides that are in the fruit.
- Cut the papaya into 2 lengthwise halves with a sharp knife.
- Remove the black seeds of papaya – You may use a spoon to make it easier for you but be sure that all seeds are removed.
- Remove the skin of papaya – Use a knife and peel the layer of skin.
- Cut into bite-sized pieces.
Now, you can serve them to your furry friend. Don’t forget to monitor your dog for any signs like bloating, gas, and vomiting. If you notice any of the signs, call your vet immediately.
Can Dogs Eat Papaya: Dog-Friendly Recipes
Easy Frozen Papaya Dog Treats
- 1 ripe papaya;
- 1 cucumber.
- Peel the papaya and remove the seeds.
- Peel the cucumber and remove the seeds.
- Roughly chop the papaya and cucumber.
- Combine the chopped papaya and cucumber.
- Puree them in a blender or food processor.
- Put the mixture in small silicone molds.
- Freeze the mixture for at least three hours.
8 Fun Facts About Papaya

- The most popular variety of papaya is a solo or Hawaiian papaya, and it is shaped like a pear.
- An antioxidant that is found in papaya can filter out harmful blue light rays.
- The black seeds in the center of papaya are edible and have a spicy, peppery taste.
- Papaya plants are not trees, but giant herbs.
- One serving of papaya will provide you with all the vitamin C that you need in a day.
- Hawaii and Florida are the only US states that grow papaya.
- Christopher Columbus nicknamed papayas the “Fruit of the Angels”.
- September is National Papaya Month.
Wrapping Up!
Papaya is another fruit that can be given to dogs safely but in moderation. Avoid giving it to dogs that have diabetes or upset stomach. Papaya is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. All of them give great health benefits for your dog.
Have you ever given your dog papaya? How did your dog react to it – liked it or not? Don’t forget to give only small amounts and not very often.
Most dogs will like it as papaya is a sweet fruit. Many people compare the taste of papaya with the taste of melon.
Video Answer
Here is a video answer to the question Can dogs eat papaya.
Can dogs eat papaya seeds?
Dogs shouldn’t eat papaya seeds as they contain cyanide which can be toxic to dogs and cause gastrointestinal problems.
Can dogs eat papaya skin?
Dogs shouldn’t eat papaya skin as it contains latex which can cause an upset stomach and bloating.
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