The question: Can dogs eat cherries?
The Answer: No
Or at least, that’s the brief version of things.
Fruits are a great way to introduce some tasty, sweet snacks to our dog’s diet. They offer multiple health benefits like providing your pooch with certain vitamins and minerals which are essential for them to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Not all fruits are safe for dogs.
If you’ve read some of our other articles you’ll know about this in more detail. But even if you haven’t, no worries.
Because today, we here at the Can Dogs Eat GUIDE are going to give you all the information you need to understand why certain fruits like cherries should be avoided when it comes to dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Cherries: Where Does the Danger Lie?
The main area of concern when it comes to cherries is, well… all of it.
The problem begins at the stem and goes all the way to the insides of a cherry: the cherry pit.
First, let’s look at the dangers on the outside.
The Stem
The stem is where the problem starts. Primarily, because it is just plain old toxic to dogs. And that is due to the presence of Cyanogenic glycosides.
While dogs are not particularly attracted to the stem of a cherry bunch, they might still end up devouring them accidentally; owing to the way that they eat.
Unlike humans, our canine friends do not have the hands to neatly separate out the stems from the fleshy fruit and will gulp everything down all at once.
And yes, you could in principle say that all a responsible dog owner needs to do is to remove the stems.
And voila.
No problem. Right?
Well, not quite.
Unfortunately, not only is this time-consuming- meaning most dog owners will not have the time to do this in real life – but the trouble here goes much deeper than the stem itself.
The Cherry
This right here is what we’re talking about. Because while cherry stems may arguably not pose as much danger if removed, the cherry itself will.
Cherry pits are present in the center of a cherry. This is where a cute little cherry seed resides as well.
Cherry pits are high in cyanide and should therefore be avoided when it comes to dogs.
Some people tend to hold the view that the problem might still have a solution if the cherry pit is removed altogether. But that process is messy.
And while cherries that have their pits already removed do exist in the market (more on that later), these are not suitable for dogs.
Cherry Leaves
Although easy to remove from a cherry, cherry leaves also pose the same health risks as the other parts of a cherry will.
That is, these too contain traces of cyanide which can be very lethal for your dogs if ingested.
Can Dogs Eat Cherries: Peeling the Problem
Again, the answer is no.
Yes, provided that the stems, leaves, and cherry pits have all been removed, our dogs could eat them.
But really.
Let’s be realistic dog moms and dads.
Dog treats should not be hectic. Doing so would take up too much of your time.
And besides, have you ever seen a dog ‘wag their tail’ over a mush of cherries? Sure, dogs might be attracted to a whole cherry- owing to the nice fruity smell perhaps. But all in all, they aren’t very likely to have a cherry puree.
Can Dogs Eat Cherries: Not Even Maraschino Cherries?

Maraschino cherries are a specific type of preserved, sweetened cherries. The pits in these have been removed, and in some types of canned maraschino cherries, the stems to have been removed.
They are used on top of cakes and for other types of dessert decorations.
So, can dogs eat cherries if they are of the maraschino type?
Unfortunately, our answer remains the same.
Dogs cannot eat maraschino cherries because they contain extra flavorings and a high amount of sugar. Not to mention, xylitol in certain cases, is genuinely toxic to dogs since it leads to a sudden drop in blood glucose levels.
Can Dogs Eat Cherries: What Do If Your Dog Ate a Cherry?
Generally, if your pooch sneaks up on one cherry in the kitchen while you’re not looking, you shouldn’t worry too much.
This is because the way cyanide works are that there is an MTC or minimum toxic concentration. This indicator allows us to determine just how much of a substance is dangerous.
Other than this, it is quite likely that the cherry seed might pass out of your dog’s system as it is.
But with that said, it is important to note that more than one cherry at a time or a handful of cherries can lead to gastrointestinal problems.
Cherry pits, in particular, are known to cause constipation and stomach upsets in dogs since they tend to get lodged inside the intestine, causing a dog serious pain.
Signs and Symptoms to Look Out for:
If you’re concerned that your dog might have eaten a handful then please be sure to keep an eye out for the following symptoms in them:
- Abdominal pain;
- Distress;
- Dilated pupils;
- Difficulty breathing;
- Panting;
- Shock.
Can Dogs Eat Cherries: Big Dogs Versus Small Dogs
Small dogs, typically, are at a higher risk of cherry poisoning than large dogs.
This is because being smaller in size, their gut is also smaller when compared to that of larger dogs. This, in turn, means that the probability of a cherry pit lodging itself inside its guts is much higher.
So, if your furry friend is a Havanese, Pomerinean, etc. then please avoid cherries at all costs, no matter how many times they look to you for one.
Protecting our dogs is, after all, our responsibility.
Can Dogs Eat Cherries: Fun Facts About Cherries
While they are a dubious thing when it comes to our furry friends, cherries do happen to have a history of their own.
In fact, they are full of amazing facts. A few of these, are as follows:

- They are as old as mankind! Archeologists have discovered fossilized cherry pits in locations where early human tribes are believed to have lived as hunters and gatherers.
- Roman soldiers are accredited with spreading cherry trees across the world.
Because the empire was so vast, it is believed that the cherry pits discarded by them eventually germinated and grew up to form cherry plantations.
Even more interesting is the saying that to find the old Roman roads, all one had to do was to follow the wild cherry trees!
- Overall, there are more than a thousand different varieties of cherries across the world. Now imagine the variations that would arise in nutrition, when giving each of these to our furry friends.
Can Dogs Eat Cherries: The Road Not to Take
If you’ve read this article thus far, you’ve probably realized one thing:
It’s best not to give cherries to our dogs.
However, there is no need to be disappointed!
Just because our dogs should not have cherries, does not mean that all is lost. Rather, there are a thousand other things our cute pooches can have whenever they like. To learn more about various kinds of good diets you can feed your dog, be sure to check out the following!
Can Dogs Eat Shrimp? – What’s Safe for Dogs?
Can Dogs Have Sweet Potatoes? Best Fed In Moderation
Can Dogs Eat Cherries: The Total Loss
If you’re a concerned dog owner who puts the health of their pets above everything, you might be worried about all the nutritional losses that may be there if your dog does not get to eat something like say- cherries.
We’re glad to tell you that there is nothing to worry about. Not only does the market contain a big range of healthy dog treats to choose from, but also that your dog will not lose out on much nutritional value if they don’t get to have cherries.
If anything, it is wise, to remove these from your dog’s feed.
Can dogs eat cherries with raspberries?
Can dogs eat cherries if they’re steamed?
Can dogs eat cherries occasionally?
No. These are still risky.
Can dogs eat cherries without the skin?
No. The major problem is the pit.
Can dogs eat cherries if they’re roasted?
No. The cyanide does not get removed this way.